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  • Writer's pictureAndre Ribeiro

Brazilian I am

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Nowadays we have several tools to translate, and many of them help a lot.

Some more feelings are taken when we switch to another language, isn't it?

Can a robot put sentiment into writing, I don't think so!

My family has always been very close, since I was little I've always had love from my siblings and my mother, I was never close to my father... his choice, who only thought of himself!

We had a lot of difficulties when we were a child, but my mother managed to get around all the situations, and my sisters already knew what was happening and tried to distract me.

My mother sent me to the Military School in the city from an early age, leaving the house at 6 am and returning only at 11 pm Monday to Friday. On Saturdays she had Music Practice from 8 am to 6 pm!

We had family dinner on Sundays, I didn't know much about what was going on at home, as I was always busy studying.

I learned a lot there, Music, Computer Programming, Hierarchy, I was always a proactive child, wanting to learn and learn, and I still am that way in adulthood.

Well, you're curious, I'll be back in the next few days 😘!


Andre Ribeiro

Owner Project Andreams

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